Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

rainbow drawings

~ rainbow drawings ~

i love rainbows =3
all drawings are from 2011 except the rainbow music gift which i drew 2 weeks ago.

~ rainbow kraken ~
love kraken and octopus <3

~ rainbow of memories ~

"all those
• wonderful • colorful • beautiful
moments with you all those
• funny • sweet • lovely
moments with you all those
• bad • cold • sad
moments with you will be
• part of my memory • always in my mind • never forgotten

~ my rainbow above the clouds ~

"above the clouds
i'm able to rest
above the clouds
is how i feel with you
you are my light
you are my colors of life
you are my rainbow

~ dreamy vision ~

"did u ever wonder how it would've been, if u were born in another world?
goin out to the far, other worlds and live ur very own adventure?
wanting to be as free as noone was before?
but knowing... that this wish will ever remain a dream?
or is it possible..
that it's in the end maybe..
a dreamy vision?

~ ace - strong adventure ~

"lets live a live without any regrets!
sail around the world!
be as free as no one was before!
and fulfill your biggest dream!
start living...
before you start dying...

~ hatsune miku - rainbow creation ~

drawing for kaito-kun

~ dreaming ~

"im dreaming...
of a better day
im dreaming...
of a better world
im dreaming...
of you.

~ rainbow music gift ~

this is a lil drawin for nicholas

~ rainbow gift for nina-chii ~

xmas imp present

~ drawing my rainbow ~
"im drawing my own rainbow
to create my own happyness"

~ RENA ~

meaningful drawings

random ugly but meaningful drawings from me
at least they were meaningful for me, cuz the theme and meanin behind them.
what i felt, what i was thinkin when i drew them.

drew all of them in 2010 and 2011

~ awake ~

~ a walk to better place ~

"am walking and walking
where once darkness was
is now light
am walking and walking
hope to reach my light soon
to be able to survive
am walking and walking
wondering if i can still make it
to reach you"

~ shiver ~

Vildhjarta - Shiver
"if you give the world a chance
it will beat you down to your knees
if you try to fight it back
it will beat you again and again
if you can feel a shiver at the edge of your mind
dont be afraid - you've just got your eyes closed
if you feel something brush against your skin
dont be afraid - just keep your eyes closed"

~ broken world ~

"do you know that feeling?
things happend
but you couldnt make them unhappen
no matter how hard you tried
you couldnt fix those mistakes
the pain you've sufferd
became that strong
that you felt like
the world is going under"

~ little red and little wolf ~

"i like her ... but we can never be together.
im a wolf. and she's a human. "

~ murderous dream ~

"all i wanted was you
i asked pls dun leave me alone
i cried pls come back when u were gone
release me
this world is too foreign
cold to me
im forgotten
alone - without you
im so forgotten
left alone
without you

 ~ mirror of earth ~
"what happend to the earth?
it used to be such a beautiful place
full with life, plants, flowers, animals
the humanity is destroying everything
and in the end our beautiful earth will be doomed to get destroyed

~ RENA ~

Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

photos #2

random stuff =D
i'll update this post soon to get some kind of order into the photos ^^



Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

my journey through the forest I

okay since my other blog got bugged and messed up cuz lame google accs, i'll continue here =x

i love forests. when i was a lil child i loved playin there and i enjoyed explorin the nature (=
i also love to take pictures from forests so here i'll post some.

took these in ettelscheid. more will be coming soon ^^